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Figure 3: A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing the full grid, beginning
at 0 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells, showing the chemokine area around the DC
rT4 (naive CD4+ T cells)
aT4 (activated CD4+ T cells)
eT4 (effector CD4+ T cells)
cog0 (cognate T cells)
rT8 (naive CD8+ T cells)
aT8 (activated CD8+ T cells)
eT8 (effector CD8+ T cells)
mT8 (memory CD8+ T cells)
IDC (immature dendritic cells)
MDC (mature dendritic cells)
LDC (licensed dendritic cells)
Aff Vessel (afferent lymphatic) entry
for dendritic cells near top of grid
HEVs (high endothelial venules) entry for T cells,
shown as 4 gray rectangles, arranged in arc across
the top 1/3 of grid
Eff Vessel (efferent lymphatic) exit for T cells, shown
as 20 white squares in four rows in lower 1/3 of grid
These time-lapse
simulations are from typical simulations of dendritic cell and T cell movement in the T-zone. Some movies are from the entire 500 micron x 500 micron grid, others are close-ups. The basic unit on the grid is a 5 micron square, the same size as a T cell, represented as squares (CD4+ T cells) or lines (CD8+ T cells). T cell colors represent different classes of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, as shown in the legend along the right side of the movie. This legend also displays the number of T cells and dendritic cells of different types that are on the grid at each time. Time is shown at the top of the grid, in hours since the beginning of the simulation. Mature dendritic cells are shown as large green squares. T cells enter via the HEV near the top of the grid and eventually leave via the efferent lymphatics near the bottom of the grid. Dendritic cells enter via the afferent lymphatics and usually spend their remaining lifespan in the lymph node.
Right click or CTRL-click on MPEG icon,
select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As"
to download MPEG-1 version of time-lapse simulations
Figure 1:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing the full grid beginning
at about 12 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells
Figure 2:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing the full grid beginning at about
12 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells, showing the chemokine area around the DC
Figure 3:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing the full grid, beginning
at 0 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells, showing the chemokine
area around the DC
Figure 4:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing a close-up of DCs,
beginning at 0 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells,
showing the chemokine area around the DC
Figure 5:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing a close-up of DCs,
beginning at 12 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells,
showing the chemokine area around the DC
Figure 6:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing the full grid,
beginning at 0 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells
Figure 7:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing a close-up of DCs,
beginning at 0 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells
Figure 8:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing a close-up of DCs,
beginning at 12 hours, with DC induced chemotaxis of T cells
Figure 9:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing the full grid,
beginning at 12 hours, with random T cell motion
Figure 10:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing the
full grid, beginning at 0 hours, with random T cell motion
Figure 11
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing a close-up
of DCs, beginning at 0 hours, with random T cell motion
Figure 12:
A 3 hour time lapse of a simulation showing a close-up
of DCs, beginning at 12 hours, with random T cell motion