Multiscale Anti-TNF Drugs Simulations
[ Multiscale Anti-TNF Drugs Simulations Homepage | Kirschner Lab Time-Lapse Simulations Homepage ]

Movie 1: Control of Mtb infection within a well-circumscribed granuloma in the absence of TNF inhibitor

The movie shows 300 days of granuloma formation and infection dynamics after a macrophage at the center of grid becomes infected with Mtb. The grid represents a two-dimensional section of lung parenchyma with an area of 2 mm x 2 mm. Immune cells are recruited from vascular sources distributed on the parenchyma.

To play the movie, click on the graphic image above

Right click or CTRL-click on AVI icon,
select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As"
to download the archived AVI movie file version of
Movie 1.

To extract the AVI movie from the archive, download the archive
to your Mac or Windows desktop, double-click on them, and follow the
on-screen instructions.

To extract on Linux, Unix, BSD, etc... use the command in a shell
'unzip (' or a desktop extraction utility.

Movie 1

Movie 2
Control of Mtb infection within a
well-circumscribed granuloma in
the absence of TNF inhibitor

Infection dynamics after granuloma treatment
with etanercept at a small vascular
permeability coefficient (kc = 1.1×10-8 cm/s)

Movie 3

Movie 4
Infection dynamics after granuloma treatment
with etanercept at a high vascular
permeability coefficient (kc = 1.1×10-7 cm/s)

Infection dynamics after granuloma treatment
with infliximab at a small vascular
permeability coefficient (kc = 1.1×10-8 cm/s)

Movie 5

Movie 6
Infection dynamics after granuloma treatment
with infliximab at a high vascular
permeability coefficient (kc = 1.1×10-7 cm/s)

The effect of pharmacokinetic fluctuations in
the blood concentration of infliximab
on infection dynamics for a small vascular
permeability coefficient (kc = 1.1×10-8 cm/s)

Movie 7
The effect of pharmacokinetic fluctuations in the
blood concentration of infliximab on infection
dynamics for a high vascular permeability
coefficient (kc = 1.1×10-7 cm/s)

[ Multiscale Anti-TNF Drugs Simulations Homepage | Kirschner Lab Time-Lapse Simulations Homepage ]