Multi-scale Modeling Consortium grant sponsored by NLM and NHLBI of the NIH
A multi-scale approach for understanding antigen presentation in immunity
SBML format of Models:
To make our models "sharing-friendly", we have prepared SBML format
for the models in the papers in the following
links that are derived from this study:
Fallahi-Sichani M, Flynn JL, Linderman JJ, Kirschner DE,
Differential risk of tuberculosis reactivation among anti-TNF
therapies is due to drug binding kinetics and permeability and not
apoptotic and cytolytic activities,
J. Immunology, 2012, The Journal of Immunology, April 1, vol. 188, no. 7, pp. 3169-3178,
DOI: doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1103298,
PMID: 22379032,
PMCID: 352958
Guzzetta, G, Ajelli, M, Yang, Z, Merler, S, Furlanello, C,
Kirschner, D.
Modeling socio-demography to capture TB transmission in
a low burden setting,
J. Theor. Biology, Nov 21 2011. 289:197-205.,
PMID: 21906603,
PMCID: 3208139
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