- Population Biology: Concepts and Models, Alan Hastings. Springer, 1997 /
240pp. $49.95(cloth), $21.95(paper).
- Weakly Connected Neural Networks, Frank Hoppensteadt and Eugene
Izhikevich. Springer, July, 1997 / 350pp. $49.95.
- Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems, B. Hannon and M. Ruth. Springer,
1997 / 250pp. $59.95.
- Computational Biology of the Heart, A. Panfilov and A.V. Holden.
John Wiley, 1997 / 416pp. $115.00.
- Interactive Differential Equations, Beverely West, Steve Strogatz,
JM McDill and John Cantwell (software-Hu Hohn). It is an Educational software package. Go to
http://www.awi.aw.com/ and choose
mathematics and then choose the software by title. To order a review copy of the CD and
instructor's manual, please contact
Bill Danon at billda@aw.com
and send him your mailing address.
- Advances in Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes,
Denise Kirschner, editor, in: International Journal of Applied Science
and Computation This is a memorial issue dedicated to Betty Tang.
Contact Suhrit Dey at cfskd@eiu.edu to order a copy at $40.00.